• Name: Charlotte (Cindy)
  • Breed: domestic
  • Coat: short haired
  • Colour: tortie
  • Size: Medium
  • Sex: Female
  • Spayed/Neutered: No
  • Age: 5 mnth; DOB: 20Apr21
  • September 13, 2021

About Charlotte (Cindy)

Charlotte is a little teddy bear – she loves cuddles, snuggles, and is not afraid to ask for attention.  She has gotten very good at catching the bird toy and loves to practice by chasing real birds from her side of the window.  She loves to groom and snuggle with her brother, Wilbur.  She is very playful and is fascinated by everything.  Charlotte is always excited to see people and meet new friends. (CCAR ID: C21-421)
