
Learn more about the health of your cat by browsing the sections below:


Medical First Aid & CPR for Pets

Most animal lovers want to provide their pets with the best care possible by giving them a home and taking care of their medical needs. Caring for a favorite cat or dog means more than regular visits to the vet, however. It also means knowing what to do when a pet is injured. Learn more here.



Feeding Your Cat: Know the Basics of Feline Nutrition

Diet is the brick and mortar of health. The website lays out some often-ignored principles of feline nutrition and explains why cats have a better chance at optimal health if they are fed a quality canned food diet instead of dry kibble. (Lisa A. Pierson, DVM)



Save a Life —- Spay / Neuter Your Pets:

Watch a great YouTube video called “Help”. It’s a plea to spay/neuter cats sung by… well… the cats !



Plants Can Poison Your Cat!

Cats like to chew on grass in order to regurgitate hairballs. This habit gets cats into trouble! Many outdoor plants and houseplants are poisonous, even in small quantities. Indoors, cats will readily substitute a houseplant for grass. Outdoors they may unwittingly choose poisonous plants that should be removed from your garden. Always be aware of the toxic effects plants may have on your pet if consumed.

Many popular festive plants are potentially toxic when eaten by pets. Read Dr. Patrick Mahaney’s informative article entitled “Are Holiday Plants Toxic To Your Pet?” and Dr. Ava Rose’s article “Poisonous Flowers and Plants for Pets – Plants That Can Harm Your Pet”.