• Name: Bella Coola Boys
  • Breed: domestic
  • Coat: short haired
  • Colour: black
  • Size: Medium
  • Sex: Male
  • Spayed/Neutered: No
  • Age: 5 mnth; DOB: 15Apr21
  • September 15, 2021

About Bella Coola Boys

Introducing: Burton (available), Brian (adopted) and Barnaby (adopted).  We have had to do a group posting on these kittens as they are pretty much identical triplets! Don’t know who is whom. What we do know is that one of them, Burton is super friendly and outgoing, and Brian is not far behind him, with Barnaby being a touch more reserved but still a sweetheart. I will be trying to get them to sit still long enough so I can put some name collars on them but they are wriggly, busy boys!  They all came to us from Bella Coola with several other kittens and six young females and they are all wonderful cats and kittens. Watch for the postings of the rest of the Bella Coola bunch over the next week or so.

They are playful, active and eager to hang out with people. They do not have to be adopted together. (CCAR ID: Burton (L21-445), Brian (L21-446), Barnaby (L21-447))
