• Name: Snow Leopard
  • Breed: domestic
  • Coat: short haired
  • Colour: tabby
  • Size: Small
  • Sex: Male
  • Spayed/Neutered: No
  • Age: 10 weeks; DOB: 10APR17
  • June 27, 2017

About Snow Leopard

Snow Leopard, named by our five year old because he “sort of looks like a Snow Leopard” is a handsome little cuddleball.  He has beautiful markings/stripes, big ears to grow into, and a white chest and paws. He is curious and smart and has been busy playing with kitten toys and our two young kids!  in fact, he seems to love kids – Snow Leopard sits on the bathtub ledge while they bathe and snuggles up in their beds as I read them stories.  He will be a great family cat!
