• Name: Daisy
  • Breed: domestic
  • Coat: short haired
  • Colour: black
  • Size: Medium
  • Sex: Female
  • Spayed/Neutered: No
  • Age: 4 mnth; DOB: 07Mar23
  • July 13, 2023

About Daisy

Daisy is a friendly, delightful girl that greets everyone with a gentle leg rub.  She’s an enthusiastic lap and chest cuddler, and likes to be carried around on people’s shoulders. She is a great with the other kittens (her laid back sister Rose, but can also keep up with her rough and tumble brother.)

Daisy learned very quickly to use both a scratching post and a sisal scratch mat. With her playful, friendly personality, she would make a lovable addition to almost any family.  (CCAR ID: C23-107)