• Name: Brody
  • Breed: domestic
  • Coat: short haired
  • Colour: grey
  • Size: Medium
  • Sex: Male
  • Spayed/Neutered: Yes
  • Age: 7.5 mnth; DOB: 07Jul21
  • February 23, 2022

About Brody

My name is Brody. Did someone say food? I can be shy towards human hands and feet but at meal time, all the rules change and I’ll become your snuggle bug. I prance and rub against every object along the way to my food dish. I will weave between your ankles and head bump you while you prepare my food. I will mew (actually more of a delightful beep sound) with excitement. My foster parent prolongs food prep times because I am so adorable.


New people and big active spaces can make me a bit uncertain, so my unzipped fabric playpen gives me a sense of refuge when placed in the main room. Likewise, my cat tree brings me up to the height of humans where I have a reassuring view of what’s going on around me. I want you to snuggle and kiss my soft velvet grey fur as I snuggle up beside you for the night. And in the morning I will quietly purr beside you and hopefully you will hug me and lovingly stroke my face and chin. I am extra affectionate in the morning and love to spend at least a half hour cuddling with you before you hop out of bed – This is my bonding time.


My fur-parent(s) will need to be patient and understand that when I am comfortable (food, bedtime), I will blossom like a flower. My favourite game is hunting the handle tip of a feathered wand as it peeks in and out from a thick blanket. When it peeks out just the itty bittiest amount, I must joyfully destroy it. I also love tossing around puff balls and fabric mice. I enjoy fresh cat grass, windows, and laying on very soft pillows or blankets for hours. I am good around doors and appear to be very content to be an indoor cat. I would be best in a home without kids or lots of new people coming and going. While I had a foster fur-sibling, I might prefer finding my human soul-mate(s). (CCAR ID: C21-506)