Everyone that encounters Winnie has the same impression of her, “She is so sweet”!
That is Winnie. She is really nice, and yes, a very sweet and gentle cat. Winnie is quite small but she makes up for that as her purrs are HUGE!
She likes to play and being quite young, though she has had two litters of kittens, she still has the energy of a kitten herself at times. She likes playing with cat toys and sometimes gets the zoomies. Even though she is young, Winnie is really good at sleeping at night and respecting boundaries.
Winnie really likes to be pet and is very social, constantly rubbing her head against things. She is not big on sitting on laps as yet but I feel that she has potential to be a lap cat once you are her chosen one! In the meantime she is excellent company and a joy to have around!
Winnie’s CCAR ID# is L25-004