• Name: Tofu
  • Breed: Chocolate Point Siamese
  • Coat: Short
  • Colour: Siamese Brown and Ivory
  • Size: Medium
  • Sex: Male
  • Spayed/Neutered: Yes
  • Age: 4 Years Old (DOB Nov 4, 2020)
  • November 28, 2024

About Tofu

This beautiful chocolate Siamese is Tofu. He’s an approximately 4 year old male who would probably prefer a quieter place without kids or dogs. We don’t know how he would be with another cat. He is usually quiet except if he’s hungry or spooked. He likes to hide when the vacuum cleaner comes out but otherwise likes to follow his person around to see what they’re up to. He’ll play for brief periods but otherwise enjoys sitting on the window sill and seeing what’s happening outdoors.

Tofu has been very curious in foster care. He will come to see you and come for cuddles and then decide to run off and play or explore. He especially likes to come cuddle in bed at night and will seek warmth. He still needs to learn some manners at times like not playing with the toilet paper but otherwise is usually a very friendly and wonderful boy.

Tofu’s CCAR ID# is S224-200