• Name: Miss Maggie
  • Breed: domestic
  • Coat: short haired
  • Colour: tortie/siamese X
  • Size: Medium
  • Sex: Female
  • Spayed/Neutered: Yes
  • Age: 8 yrs; DOB: Nov 2012
  • November 12, 2020

About Miss Maggie

Miss Maggie is a Siamese and Tortoiseshell cross and contains personalities from both breeds in one stout little frame!  Miss Maggie has adapted to a certain standard of living and prefers to  maintain it!

 Her requirements are:

  • Hypoallergenic food and treats
  • Absolutely no other cats, dogs, or animals
  • Water must come in a crystal tumbler or from the saucer of a potted plant, nothing else will do
  • Extensive daily exercise and playtime – boredom will result in experiments involving breakables and gravity
  • A smaller home is preferred with windows to watch birds
  • Absolutely no children
  • A heating pad to spend her days on
  • A human to spend her nights on

If you are able to meet these requirements Miss Maggie will be a loving loyal and companion, she will follow you from room to room, giving you tiny chirps and meows, and sleep on top of you at night. Once Miss Maggie is with a human she deems worthy, she will NEVER leave your side; in fact, it is recommended that Miss Maggie be provided with a bed in every room from which to watch her human. Maggi has had significant dental work and has been given the all clear by our Veterinarian. (CCAR ID: C19-181)
