• Name: Maisy
  • Breed: Domestic
  • Coat: Short
  • Colour: Grey tabby with white
  • Size: Large
  • Sex: Female
  • Spayed/Neutered: Yes
  • Age: Approx 18 years
  • March 23, 2016

About Maisy

My dearest doddle I only had you for three short years but something

tells me that even an eternity would not have seemed long enough to me.

You were my fiercely independent girl who never let the crippling effects

of arthritis keep you down. ” I can’t ” just was not in your vocabulary .

You greeted us every morning with a loud announcement that it was high

time you be fed and would personally escort us everyday to your food bowl

just in case we had forgotten where it was since yesterday.

I will always remember those deep green eyes of yours forever taking in

everything around you. There was a depth to them that spoke of an ” old


So today I will try and carry on without you. My heart is heavy and

bruised for having lost such a precious treasure.

Thank you for allowing me to love you. It is an honour I will never


>> May the angels sweep away your pain with their gentle wings so once again

you can jump and play as you once did when you were a kitten.

>> Be happy my love!!!!!!

>> Many thanks to CCAR for providing for all her needs and taking her in

when no others would.

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