• Name: Maddie
  • Breed: domestic
  • Coat: short haired
  • Colour: grey tabby
  • Size: Medium
  • Sex: Female
  • Spayed/Neutered: Yes
  • Age: 14 mnths; DOB: 01Apr23
  • June 11, 2024

About Maddie

Meet Maddie, the striped gray and black wide-eyed tabby with a personality as unique as her coat. This confident Queen entered our house like she owned the place. She warmed up very quick to us and was purring the first night.

 Maddie loves nothing more than lounging in sunbeams, getting chin scratches, and pretending she’s a fierce stripped gray tiger stalking her prey (usually a rogue hair elastic or a crumpled piece of paper). She’s incredibly friendly with humans and will happily follow you around the house, supervising your activities and offering her expert opinion on your cooking skills (she’s a fan of chicken, just saying).

 Maddie is a bit of a diva when it comes to other animals though. She firmly believes she should be the only furry royalty in your home. Dogs? Too slobbery. Other cats? Too needy. Hamsters? Not on her watch. Maddie demands and deserves to be the center of your universe; however, she will allow children in the household. Her current foster home has two children 8 and 10 so she is no stranger to loud sounds and excited hands.

 If you’re looking for a solo superstar to fill your life with cuddles, companionship, laughter and love, Maddie is your girl.  (CCAR ID: C24-059)